We are at a critical moment in history and we are believing for a shift in our nation. It’s in God’s grace that we are able to lay down earthly desires in exchange for a focused and intentional pursuit of His heart for us, our city, and nation. It is in this time that we will take our place, stand in authority, and partner with heaven as we pray and fast His heart. Please take time to pray about how to engage with this upcoming time of fasting and prayer, beginning when you are led. It can be for 10 days, 15 days or 30 days.
We encourage you to pray and ask the Lord what you should be fasting. Below are a few suggested items to fast. Let’s be expectant for the unity, breakthrough, and healing of our nation!
- News/Media
- Social Media
- Negativity/Gossip
- Entertainment
- Electronics
- TV/Movies
- Secular Music
- Video Games
- Food
- A Meal a Day
- Snacking
- Caffeine
- Meat
- Sugar/Sweets
- Fast Food
- Salt/Seasonings
- Daniel Fast
The Benefits of Fasting
While the physical impact of fasting is real, the spiritual benefits of fasting are undeniable. Any fast undertaken must be done with spiritual wholeheartedness and wisdom when dealing with our physical body; we must count the cost honestly and honor the temple of the Holy Spirit. Whether we are partaking or abstaining, everything should be for the glory of God.